Tuesday, October 03, 2006

YOU Mail

Here's a great way to record different voicemail messages for different people that call you. Youmail works with T Mobile, Cingular, and Verizon currently. The way it works is pretty simple. You set up an account, log in, and begin recording different messages that will then be played when certain numbers call you. This would be great if you used your phone for both work and friends.

Another neat trick of Youmail is the ability to save messages, and to then email those messages to people. So if you get an important call from a client you can fwd it to your team. OR on the flip side, if you get a funny drunk phone call from a friend, you can fwd it, or post it on your site. HOW fun is that!

Youmail can be found at www.youmail.com


Wednesday, September 13, 2006


Here's a neat little application I came across. (Heard about it on CommandN) This FREE program allows for simple project management. This is ideal for students returning to school or for simple projects. One draw back, it is for Mac's only. Other cool thing. This app was designed and programmed by a college student.

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

A Kiss Could Be Deadly

So I was fortunate to fly out to L.A. over last weekend to help on the production of A Kiss Could Be Deadly's first music video. WOW. What an experience. First, the band ROCKS. Second, the entire crew was amazing. Third, I can't wait to see the final product.

My role was pretty unique, and more or less made up on the spot. Because we had a smaller crew, I helped out when needed with set work (Alfred Cooney). But mostly I assisted the Director (Chase Kenney), and the Producers. Based on my strong technical background, I was placed incharge of transfering 4-8 GB of data from the Panasonic P2 Cards onto a laptop, and an external drive. Talk about a stressful job. One mistake, and seveal hours of work could be lost. Also I was incharge of playback of both clips, and music for the band to rock to. This including taking thier single, and adding several seconds of beats to the front end. In addition I was in charge of setting up 7 tv's to a dvd player, and 2 tv's to a live feed of the band performing. Finally, my toughest job was bullshitting with the band, and making sure they new what was going on.

I want to wish the band the best of luck. If you have a MySpace account check them out. If you contact them, they'll email you all of their tracks. AWESOME!

Caribou to Server Free WiFi

Caribou Coffee will began serving free WiFi at their coffee shops. Unlike thier Starbucks competitors who still offer WiFi through T-mobile for a charge, Caribou's will be free for the first hour. After that, it will be a wallet breaking $1.50 in store credit for addtional usage.

I wonder if that means you buy a $4.00 coffee you're good for a little over 2 hours?

Full Story (Biz Journels)

Minnnesota Public Radio

This is a follow up post to Road Node 101. Our interview from the event made it's way onto Minnesota Public Radio. A special thanks to Kateri Jochum for coming to the event, and having a micrphone ready for recording.

Internet video bloggers connect in the real world
(feature audio)

Tuesday, August 08, 2006


I was privelidged to get to meet Jan McLaughlin on Friday night at the Road Node 101 event held in Watertown, MN. This was a unique event with the following people in attendance:This event was a peice of the much larger event coming up this weekend. NODE 101. There will be Node 101 events happening across the globe, including one in Watertown, MN. Adam is hosting this event at his coffee shop (Crow Wing Coffee).

Here are the details from ADAM JOCHUM organizer:
Greetings All! I own and operate a coffee shop in Watertown, MN. We have a new conference room in the back of the shop which should accommodate about 25-30 people. Please email 'cafn8ed.tv@gmail.com' with your contact information, whether you would be willing to present, etc. I have several years' experience in video production, mostly live event. We will join the video conference planned, and enjoy discussion and coffee.
WHEN: SATURDAY, AUGUST 11, 2006, 10am - 4pm CST.

Additional information about the group behind the event can found at NODE 101
MAP of other events around the world

Technorati Tags:

Monday, August 07, 2006

Omni-Tronics' Site Live

On Tuesday August 1st, 2006 the newly redesigned Omni-Tronics, Inc. web site went live. Omni-Tronics, Inc. specializes as a manufacturers' representatives for the electronics assembly industry. This was a unique project for me to work on because this was an industry I knew very little about before our first meeting. To which now, I know more....but I will leave to the experts over at Omni-Tronics, Inc. to better help answer any questions you may have.

This web site was redesigned by Dot Different. I recently accepted a job at Dot Different as a Sales Account Executive. Thus allowing Digital Ives to now be able to offer:

Friday, August 04, 2006

Flickr-Online Photos

I'm surprised I haven't written about this web 2.0 application yet. It's been pretty well known, and in the news for quite a while. I started a profile on there several months ago, but really haven't taken the time until recently to start uploading some of my collections of photos.

Flickr makes it easy to upload, tag, and most importantly SHARE your photo's with other. Through the use of third party applications you can do a ton with your photo's once they're up. Anything from order prints, to make DVD's, to using your photo as stamp. Now how cool is that!

Check out the photo below. Clicking on it will take you to that "set's" slide show.


Thursday, August 03, 2006

Snow Cross 2003

This was one of my first peices I did for Veldhiezen back in 2003. This was a montage of the Amsoil sponsored snowcross at Spirit Mountain.